ANIMATION Anime.js J avaScript Animation Engine. Velocity Acceleration JavaScript Animation. Popmotin JavaScript motion engine.use for animation,physics and input tracking. Aos Animate on Scroll Library. Mo.js Motion graphic library for the web. ScrollReveal Declarative on scroll reveal animations. Skrollr Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile and desktop. VIDEO Video.js Universal Video embed. Fit Vid.js A lightweight,easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds . jPlayer HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery . Plyr A Simple HTML5 . Youtube and Vimeo Player. Vide Easy as hell jQuery plugin for Video background. Flowplayer The HTML5 Video Player for the Web . Popcorn js The HTML5 Media Framework . APPLICATION TOOLS React A JavaScript Library for building user interfaces. Vue Intuitive,fast and composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces. Next.js A lightweight...