
Showing posts from March, 2021


  What is Node.js? Node.js can be defined as a dynamic, cross-platform and open-source JavaScript framework or runtime environment that is built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine. Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js was initially implemented as a client-side scripting language. Nowadays, it is used to execute JavaScript code and scripts that run server-side to create dynamic web pages. The latest version of Node.js is 10.10.0. Node.js Features and Benefits Most web developers implement Node.js due to its amazing and powerful features. Some of the features of Node.js are: ·         Faster code execution ·         Highly scalable ·         Non-blocking APIs ·         No buffering With such wonderful features, Node.js is widely used for creating server-side and networking applications. The following are the key areas where Node.js is widely used: ·         I/O-bound applications ·         Data streaming applications ·         Data-intensive real-time applications (DIRT) ·     

MongoDB and Crud Operations

What is MongoDB? MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used in many modern web applications. It is classified as a NoSQL database because it does not rely on a traditional table-based relational database structure. Instead, Mongo uses JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. This means that, unlike relational databases, MongoDB does not require a predefined schema before you add data to a database. You can alter the schema at any time and as often as is necessary without having to set up a new database with an updated schema.     MongoDB  Crud Operations Create Operations Read   Operations Update   Operations Delete   Operations Create Operation Insert /add One Document  db.getCollection('Student').insertOne( {       "name": "John",          "dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01T00:00:00Z",          "subjects": ["Application frameworks", "Computer architecture"]     })  Inserting/Adding 2 do

JavaScript — What is ES6, ES8, ES 2017, ECMAScript… ?

Learning JavaScript can be confusing for a number of reasons. Don’t let these acronyms confuse you any further. Let’s break down the ES abbreviations in this JavaScript Quickie! What is ECMAScript? Here’s what happened long, long ago: JavaScript was originally named JavaScript in hopes of capitalizing on the success of Java. Netscape then submitted JavaScript to  ECMA International  for Standardization. (ECMA is an organization that standardizes information) This results in a new language standard, known as  ECMAScript . Put simply,  ECMAScript  is a standard. While  JavaScript  is the most popular  implementation  of that standard. JavaScript implements ECMAScript and builds on top of it. Okay, so ‘ES’…? ES  is simply short for  ECMAScript . Every time you see  ES  followed by a number, it is referencing an edition of ECMAScript. In fact, there are eight editions of ECMAScript published. Lets dive into them: ES1, ES2, ES3, ES4 ES1 : June 1997  ES2 : June 1998  ES3 : Dec. 1999   ES4 :