
Showing posts from April, 2021


First steps with Koa.js   When it comes to web development, chances are you’re going to pick up a framework to get your backend API up and running. Aside from Node having good built-in mechanisms for the construction of web servers, frameworks, on the other side, facilitate this job by providing nice features like middleware, routing mechanisms, etc. Express  is by far  the leader  in terms of web development in the Node.js universe. It’s also the oldest, created back in 2009, which is perhaps one of the reasons that made it mature enough to be so beloved by the community. Koa.js  is another great option that’s been gaining more and more space. But they are actually not competitors. Koa was designed by the same team behind Express, which is a common trend in the frontend community, take  Deno , for example, whose creator was the same mind behind Node. Koa was created to be smaller, faster, and more expressive in terms of coding. When it comes to the development of web APIs, Express is